
Have the right conversation everytime.

Understand the level of addiction.

Replace nicotine to prevent withdrawal.

Access to expert and evidence based treatments.

What is the CURE Project

Tobacco is the single greatest cause of preventable death, disability, illness and social inequality. 1 in 2 smokers die prematurely due to their smoking. Tobacco addiction is a disease; a chronic relapsing disease that often begins in childhood. There are many highly effective treatments for this disease and we want to change these terrible statistics by helping smokers to quit when they are admitted to hospital.

The CURE project is a comprehensive secondary care treatment programme for tobacco addiction. At its heart is systematically identifying all active smokers admitted to secondary care and immediately offering nicotine replacement therapy and other medications, as well as specialist support, for the duration of the admission and after discharge.

The term ‘CURE’ has been specifically chosen to ‘medicalise’ tobacco addiction and move away from the stigma of a lifestyle choice to disease treatment. Treating tobacco addiction must become part of the core activity of all clinicians in every part of the hospital.

CURE is part of Greater Manchester Health & Social Care Partnership’s Making Smoking History programme, which is taking a whole system approach to reduce smoking rates in Greater Manchester by a third to 13% by the end of 2021 and to 5% by 2027. This is faster than any other major global city and would mean 115,000 fewer smokers by 2021.

Anticipated Outcomes

By applying the Ottawa Model outcomes to the estimated 52,780 smokers admitted to acute hospitals in Greater Manchester over the course of 1 year, the following benefits are expected:

  • If 13.3% were readmitted at 30 days and we reduced that to 7.1% we would save 3,273 admissions at 30 days
  • If 38.4% were re-admitted within 1 year and we reduced it to 26.7% we would save 6,176 admissions at 1 year
  • If 11.4% died within 1 year and we reduced that to 5.45% we would save 3,141 lives in 1 year
  • 18,473 successful 4-week quitters in the first year

The estimated savings from prevention of readmissions by applying the Ottawa Model to Greater Manchester is £9,937,184 per year.

Furthermore, the average length of hospital stay in England is 5 days (NGS Digital Data 2015-2016). The CURE project is estimated to save 30,880 bed days per year, equivalent to 84 additional beds per day across Greater Manchester.

CURE Treatments

Watch our animation to learn about how smoking affects the body and what treatments are available.

Potential Outcomes

Admissions saved in 30 days
Admissions Saved in 1 Year
Lives Saved in 1 Year
Quitters in the first year
Read more about the Ottawa Model here.

Recent Outcomes

1 in 5

Overall 1 in 5 Smokers abstinent at 3 months post discharge


Translated nationally 200,000 Quitters per year


Cost £183 per quit

Matt Evison
What is the CURE Project

Cheryl Pearse
Smoking Cessation Specialist Nurse

Freya Howle
Project Manager

Calculate the potential savings at your hospital


Feedback on The CURE Project and the resources available

I wanted to let you know how good the CURE modules are. I asked all my emergency admissions last week if they smoked and prescribed more nicotine replacement therapy in the last week than I have in the last 8 years as a consultant.

Consultant Surgeon, Wythenshawe Hospital

Thank you for the information, I have shared your information with the hospital trust in our area who are very interested in using some of the resources and materials. I will keep you informed about how we are able to use CURE in our trust.

Best regards and thank you for a wonderful resource that was so badly needed.


I love your website and all the information on it! I am a stop smoking specialist in a large teaching hospital and have been tring to introduce a similar service within acute care for many years with limited success!


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